Become an Annual ACT Business Sponsor

We recognize the importance of local businesses and your deep connections to our shared communities. We hope to provide you with another avenue to show your love and care for the natural world and community vitality. We are now offering business sponsorships and memberships to help ensure the continuation of ACT’s conservation efforts in the region and provide community partners with better visibility within our vast networks. We currently have approximately 300 active annual members across the region and reach about 1,500 email addresses with our monthly newsletter.

Below are the Annual Business Sponsorship options:

Friend: $250+

  • Business name and logo listed on our website

  • Business name listed in ACT’s annual report

Advocate: $500+

  • Social media shoutout with company name, logo and website

  • Featured in group social media post recognizing all business partners

  • Plus, benefits listed above

Backer: $1,000+

  • A one-time mention in our monthly newsletter announcing your sponsorship

  • Special recognition at ACT’s major donor appreciation event (Headwaters Society)

  • Plus, benefits listed above

Stakeholder: $2,500+

  • Your business will be acknowledged as a sponsor on virtual advertising, including press releases for outreach events

  • Opportunity to share why you support conservation efforts in an issue of our newsletter

  • Special recognition and invitation to ACT’s annual major donor appreciation event (Headwaters Society)

  • Plus, benefits listed above

Impact Investor: $5,000+

  • A private guided tour of an ACT-protected property for your employees (up to 10 people)

  • Annual social media gratitude post

  • Advance event notice and early bird registration

  • Plus, benefits listed above

In-Kind donations:

  • ACT welcomes in-kind and cash contributions toward the membership fee and sponsorship contributions. If you’re interested in making an in-kind donation, please call the ACT office.

Becoming a business member or sponsor is a great way to connect your business with the community while supporting ACT’s work in conservation and community vitality. If you would like to participate, please fill out this online form or reach out to the office directly at (603) 823-7777.

A special thank you to the businesses and organizations that have given to and supported ACT and our mission:

We could not do this important work without you!