Get outside together for the 5th annual hike at the Cooley-Jericho Community Forest (CJCF) enjoy the trees in the throws of autumn with your friends and neighbors.
The Cooley-Jericho, created in 2012, encompasses 840 acres of forest land in Easton and shares boundaries with Sugar Hill, Franconia, and Landaff. Four municipalities worked together with a land trust to protect a shared community resource for the project and was the first of its kind in the nation. Cooley-Jericho is one of the largest unfragmented forests in the region outside of White Mountain National Forest. ACT is offering a selection of hikes for people of all ages to explore the Cooley-Jericho, all hikes begin at 11:00 a.m.
The hikes (2.3 & 3.5 mile loops) will be somewhat challenging, containing steeper sections and moderate elevation gain, hikers should be prepared for the terrain. The group will move at an easy pace with many stops to observe and enjoy nature. Kids are encouraged to come along and dogs are always welcome! Pre-registeration is required for this hike, if you plan to join us please sign up by clicking this link by Friday October 13th.
What: The 5th Annual Cooley-Jericho Anniversary Hike
When: Sunday, October 15th 2017
What Time: 11:00am - 2:30 p.m.
What to Wear: Comfortable clothing for being active outdoors, including long pants, boots or sneakers you don't mind getting muddy, hat, and jacket.
What to Bring: Binoculars, camera, snacks, and plenty of water.
Free! $5 donations are welcome and much appreciated.
Where: Meet at 11:00 a.m. at the Trumpet Round Road trailhead in Sugar Hill.
This event is free and open to the public; love the CJCF? We'd love to have you as a member, click on the link and join us today!