Wednesday is the Super Moon and a Blue Moon – come watch the moonrise from a great vantage spot in Sugar Hill. We’ll walk up to the open fields on Bronson Hill, on land that is conserved forever. You’ll get the best eastward view in the area. If the day is sunny as forecast, we should get a splendid view of the moon rising over the Presidential Range.
Meet at 4:45 p.m. at 80 Post Road in Sugar Hill (third house on the right. Canines as well as all bipeds are welcome. We’ll walk up a hill, and it may be icy. Please bring traction for your feet and a flashlight or headlamp for the walk down.
Registration is not required for this event. Please contact Rebecca at (603) 823-7777 with any questions.
A blue moon occurs when the moon is full twice in a single month. Wednesday is the first of two blue moons that will occur in 2018 (the second is March 31). A super moon is when the full moon coincides with the moon’s orbit bringing it closest to the earth, making it look unusually large when it rises.
Adding to the drama, there will also be an eclipse of the moon on Wednesday morning. Look for the moon setting in the western sky a bit before 6 a.m. You’ll see the very beginning of a penumbral eclipse, when earth’s outer shadow begins to overlap with the moon. Before the moon drops out if sight you may see it begin to assume a reddish cast.