ACT works with our communities to provide clean air and water, and healthy, productive, accessible fields, farms, and forests for all.


Mission - Who We Are

The Ammonoosuc Conservation Trust (ACT) works with landowners and community partners to permanently protect land in New Hampshire's North Country for public benefit. ACT preserves farms, wild and working forests, waterways, and places of natural and cultural importance. We help build healthy communities by creating opportunities for meaningful connections to the natural world and to each other.


Vision - What we’re working towards

We envision the North Country as a place where everyone is connected with the natural world. 

We want all people, plants, and animals to have clean air and water. We strive to keep healthy and productive fields, farms, and forests for work and play. We support our communities in staying resilient to a changing climate.

We respond to the unique conservation needs of our region. We are supportive partners and facilitators in addressing open space, access, and land conservation needs that go beyond town and government boundaries.

We see a future that celebrates our diversity, where the cultural heritage of our region, including, but not limited to, that of Indigenous Peoples, is recognized. Together with our local partners, we will continue to help build healthy communities through meaningful connections to the natural world and each other.


Values - how we get there together

  • The Land and its Uses. We respect the natural beauty, history, and traditional uses of our lands as regionally and nationally significant resources to be protected for future generations. We do not regard land protection as an end in itself; rather, conservation is a tool for building and ensuring community and individual well-being, economic vitality, and a healthy environment.

  • Our Operating Principles. First, we listen. We facilitate approaches to land conservation with integrity, honesty, practicality, and humor!

  • Our Performance. We value integrity and excellence in our work and collaborate with others to achieve our mission. As part of our accreditation, we abide by the Land Trust Alliance Standards and Practices.

  • Our Extended Obligations. We believe local actions with regard to the land and its use have an impact beyond our region and time. We work to ensure public awareness of best practices of environmental stewardship and protection of our inheritance for future generations.


Current annual report


Click to download
'20 - '21 annual report


What We Do

We accomplish a lot and have fun doing it!

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